Monday, June 1, 2015

Therapy session #3--Rorschach cards

Guten Tag, my friends.  Vonce again, I am Professor Dogmund Freud, Dogtor of Psychology und therapist und friend to troubled dogs everyvair. 

Before vee get started, I haf some very heartvarmingk news to share.  For a long time, I haf been verkingk vith a famous cartoon dog--I cannot tell you his name, of course, but he travels vith four humans in a van solvingk mysteries--to help him break his peculiar addiction to a particular type of dog snack.  Und zis veek, vee haf made a breakthrough!  He managed to go a whole 24 hours vithout eatingk a single snack.  I am zo proud of him.  A vonderful thingk, ja?

...But I digress.  Today vee continue our qvest to help Mister Spunky Bones Dog.  During our last zession, Mr. Spunky stated he had had a terrible dream, in vich he was beingk pursued by an entity much...uhh...larger than him.

Zince I haf been practicing for many years, zis immediately zuggests to me an underlyingk diagnozis.  Howeffer, to confirm this findingk, I feel it necessary to run some further tests. Iz zis agreeable, Spunky?

"Sure, Doc.  Um...I won't hurt, will it?"

Nein, nein.  Zis is a zychological test...a completely noninvasif procedure.  All I vill do is hold up zees cards, you see?  Zees are called Rorschach cards.

All you haf to do iz tell me vat you see.  Zair are no right or wrong answers, zo do not think too much about it.  Just say zee first thingk that comes to mind, ja?

"Okay.  That sounds simple enough."

Das ist gut.  Here vee go. Vat do you see?

"I see a big heart surrounded by a whole lot of little hearts."

Mmm-hmm...und here? 

"I see a big tree surrounded by a whole lot of little trees."

Mmm-hmm.  Und here?  Last one.

"I see a big bone surrounded by a whole lot of little bones."

Mmm-hmmm.  Fascinatingk.  It zeems I vas right about the diagnozis all alongk.  Unfortunately vee are runningk low on time today, but never zat i haf zee answer, vee can start to discuss zee underlyingk problem...


  1. Interesting Doc. I see the same things Spunky does. I wonder if this is because I am a little fox and smaller than most animals at my house? Hmm, this is something for me to think about.

    Glad that a certain dog solving mysteries is getting over a certain type of snack.

  2. Oh, this sounds serious! I do hope that you can help Spunky!
