Friday, June 10, 2016

Postcards from the edge

Hey, what's up, dogs?  

When my human suggested the title of today's post, I got really confused.  "Postcards from the edge"?  From the edge of *what*, exactly?...

Oh.  Well, the postcards are from Jerry and Ben, who are visiting Sandy up in Vancouver.  So the "edge" must mean...the edge of Canada?...

Who knows.  What's more important is that these three seem to be having a great time together.  Sandy has been logging their adventures here.  I wonder how much longer Jerry and Ben are staying up in Canada?...



  1. Don't you mean the edge of Canada, eh? :)

  2. We are having a great time!!! Lots of adventures that have been piling up while Mama's been under the weather. Jerry and Ben are heading home soon... sigh.
