Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dog in the Desert, Part 3...

Hey, what's up, dogs?  I'm back with more about my Arizona/California trip.  After leaving Williams, AZ, we stopped briefly at the Hoover Dam, which is located on the mighty Colorado River at the border between Nevada and Arizona.  

Here I am.  Wow...this is a really high wall.  Don't drop me, please!

So my human and I already knew that this massive construction project took THOUSANDS of people.  But apparently there was at least one four-footed, furry friend involved, as well.  

This dog used to follow the workers onto the construction site...probably because they had a tendency to "overfeed" him.  (I've put quotes around the word because in my opinion, there's no such thing as overfeeding.  But anyway...)

To keep the dog from developing a weight problem, the humans coordinated to pack him ONE lunch, which he carried to the site every day in his own lunch bag.  

Many workers lost their lives here, and unfortunately, their canine companion did too.  The survivors buried their four-footed friend here.  (Sniff, sniff.)

Our next stop, somewhat appropriately, is...er...Death Valley, California.  

(Pssst...I know we've talked about this already, but...are you sure about this?  It's not called "Death Valley" for nothing, you know!

...Sigh.  My human seems determined to do this.  Sometimes I don't understand human behavior.  But the views are surprisingly great...)

Below is a picture of Badwater Basin.  There's a tiny pool of water here (not pictured) which gave the area its name.  Apparently, one early traveler tried to get his horse to drink from the pool, but the horse refused because the water was too salty.  Hence, Badwater Basin.  

That horse had better sense than his human.  I guess that's what they call "horse sense," eh?...

This area is known for its salt flats.  The formations on the ground are made from crystallized salt left over after water evaporates in the intense desert heat.  

Below is another landmark in the Valley.  The area below is called the Devil's Golf Course.  I can certainly see why!

If you played golf on this course, you'd always be in the rough!  Or...in the RUFF.  Heh heh.  See what I did there?...

Okay!  We've driven through Death Valley and lived to tell about it.  Piece of cake.  
Where to next?...


  1. Whew... that Death Valley places looks hot and dry. Don't get lost out there Droopy! The Hoover Dam dog story is cute... and sad...

    1. VERY hot and dry. Fortunately it wasn't full-on summer yet when I was there!

      I agree...I shed a tear when reading about the Hoover Dam dog...

  2. Interesting about the dam dog. RIP.
    Death Valley in the summer. We did that in 2012. Dam, it was hot when we were there...maybe late June.

    1. Can't imagine what it's like at the peak of summer....
