Sunday, March 29, 2020

Some on-time mail and some very overdue mail.

Hey, what's up, dogs?  I'm back again!  I know, quite unusual for me to post twice in a week, but that's what happens when you're sheltering in place.  

Today I have three pieces of mail to show you.  Two of them are being posted very late, thanks to my human.  Sandy Bear sent me a postcard in January (yes, JANUARY) about his vacation to Mexico.  And Ajdin sent me a postcard in December (yes, DECEMBER) about his visit to the Air Force Academy in Colorado.  Sigh...My human will definitely lose points for "Blog Maintenance" on the end-of-year evaluation.

Happily, I'm posting the last card right on time...actually, a few days early.  It's from Little Fox...a birthday card, "from one canine to another."
Oooo....look at that fancy font.  Thanks, L.F.!  You're a "pawsome" pal.

That's it for now.  Stay safe and healthy, everyone.  See you next time...