Monday, March 23, 2020

Green (or not-so-green) paw update

Hey, what's up, dogs?  Like a whole lot of other households, my human and I are "hunkering and bunkering" to avoid the I thought I would update you on our progress with the orchids we re-potted last post. 

As you can see, we did the re-potting process again since last time, this time using some (homemade) slotted pots that allow the roots some light and air.  

One of the orchids still has a pretty good root system.  The other orchid lost a lot of its roots to root rot, and it looks a little...well...DROOPY.  Heh heh.  That's my name--don't wear it out!

The droopy orchid is on the upper right.  Not to be confused with the Droopy Dog on the upper left.
So I'm not sure what the chances are for recovery for these orchids.  I guess time will tell...I'll keep you posted.

In other news, my human also decided to try sprouting some avocado pits by suspending them in water.  They've been like this for about 3 weeks, and while the pits have started to split lengthwise, there's not much else to report.  Apparently, sprouting avocados like this can take a long time.  Again, I'll keep you posted.

Well...that's it for this update.  I hope everybody is staying safe and healthy during this outbreak.  Make sure to wash your hands/paws frequently and practice social distancing!  See you next time...


  1. Your are developing quite the green paw. Glad you are practicing your social distancing. Keep those hand and paws clean

  2. Nice job. Can you grow some flowers to attract bees also?

    1. Sure, I can try it. But i'll need to wait until I can go to the store and get seeds...

  3. Good job! We still haven't repotted our orchid, but now have the soil mix stuff. Had to order it in as the store didn't carry it. Go figure. Good luck with the avocado trees...

    1. I'm keeping my paws crossed. The avocados have been an exercise in patience!
