Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Orchid rehab

Hey, what's up, dogs?  Today my human and I are going to test out our green thumbs....errr, I mean, green paws.  I keep forgetting I don't have thumbs.

Anyway...my human recently received this beautiful orchid arrangement as a gift.  Isn't it gorgeous?  

But there's one problem.  This glass pot, although attractive and sturdy, has absolutely no drainage holes.  And in the last few days, it looks like one of the plants' leaves is yellowing.  

After watching a couple of YouTube videos on orchid care, my human decided we should extract the plants and take a look at the roots.  

(Disclaimer:  For the record, I suggested we consult Jerry, Ben, or Sandy before taking this radical step, but my human didn't listen.  So if this goes south, don't blame me.  Sigh...humans.)

First, we made a run to the garden store.  We've got some orchid potting mix, which mostly consists of bark chips for proper drainage, and some orchid food sticks.  We also have some new moss (not pictured) to pack around the roots, and a new pot, this time with holes for drainage.
Here goes nothing.  First, my human will attempt to pull the plants from the pot.  Hey, careful with that!  Gently....gently...

Oh my.  Looks like the root balls were still encased in their original plastic wrappers, which were packed with moss to retain moisture.  And since my human watered them a few times in the glass pot, that moss never aired out.  I think the roots were suffocating!

We cut the plastic wrappers off and removed the damaged parts of the roots.  Then we repotted the plants.  Fast forward twenty minutes....

Aaaaaaaand here's the finished product.  According to our YouTube education, the flowers may not pull through, but I really hope we can salvage the plants so they can try again next season and continue to give us beautiful blossoms in the future.  

Whew!  Mission accomplished.  I'll keep you posted over the next few months regarding how "green" my paw is...Stay tuned! 


  1. Ummm... I'm more of an outside green thumb bear. Orchids perplex me as well!! We received a beautiful one a couple of years ago and... it is just leaves now and doing nothing. I'm wondering if it needs to get repotted... hmmmm

    1. Here's the YouTube site my human went to, if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84mfcCFGDPeeBhKbG8dijQ

    2. Oh yes... going to have a look and see whether we can resurrect ours into flowering.

    3. My human thought it was quite informative. Good luck, let me know how it goes...I'll keep you posted too :)

  2. My paws are crossed for your plant. Orchids are super tricky. Good luck.
