Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Stuffie Olympics, Summer 2020

Hey, what's up, dogs?  Droop's Troop here (thanks for that name Sandy!), about to compete in the 2020 Summer Stuffie Olympics, sponsored by our friend Ajdin.  

Team Droopy's event today is the 1 Meter Stuffie Mail Speedreading Relay, and our team is comprised of myself, Spunky, and Patch.  All of us are strong readers with extensive training.  Right, Patch?  How long have you been reading?

"Uh...ever since I learned how," replied Patch.

You see?  I told you.  A lifetime of experience.  How are you feeling, Spunky?  Any nerves at the thought of leading us off?

"A little bit, but overall I'm feeling good," said Spunky.  "I just want to get this over with."  

Man, I know what you mean.  As for myself, I'm nervous.  Years of training for a competition that lasts just minutes!  So much pressure to perform!

"You'll do fine, lads," Coach McStuffie assured us.  "Just do what you did in practice.  Deep breaths.  Watch those handoffs.  And don't forget to have fun."

Thanks, Coach.  I needed that pep talk.  All right, is everyone prepped?  Okay, Spunky...ready...set...GO!

Wow.  Look at him go.  Perfect form!  Here comes the handoff...

"I'm done!" Spunky said.

I'm done too!  Come on Patch, bring it on home,  buddy.  You can do it!

"Aaaaaaand....done," Patch announced, placing the last piece of mail in the pile.
What a dismount!  And he stuck the landing!

"Well done, me lads!" Coach McStuffie beamed.  
"That was great!" Spunky exclaimed.  "I don't think it could have gone any better."

Me neither!  Whew, I've worked up a sweat though.  Time to hit the showers while we await the other competitors' performances...


  1. Excellent job there boys! Stiff competition too, I have to say...

  2. If there was a competition for forgetting the 2020 stuffie Olympics I bet I would place. LF

  3. Great job! Looking forward to seeing all the entries!
