Monday, February 6, 2017


Arrrrr, look alive, ye scurvy, landlubbin' seadogs!  

While we were in the city of Nassau in the Bahamas, I  thought mayhap we should find out what 'twere like to be a pirate.  So me human and I set sail for the Nassau Pirate Museum.

Ahoy, there it be!

'Twere with some dismay that I discovered me human--that scurvy, landlubbin' seadog--had forgotten to bring along me peg-leg, me spyglass, and me eyepatch.  Arrrr!  No matter...we'll make her walk the plank later.  

This be what we found inside yonder museum.  Pray forgive me shadowy visage...'twere a dark and dim place.

Arrr!  There be an entire galleon ship in this building...
 ...complete with a crew... furniture.

Discipline on board was harsh.  If a pirate broke part of the "pirate code," he could be MAROONED--or as pirates used to put it, "made Governor of his own private island"--with just 1 jar of water and a pistol. 'Twere a most terrible end. 

Here be a piratical trivia question.  What do ye think, ye scurvy landlubbers? 


  1. You ho to ho a pirates life for me.

  2. Hmm... parrots... hmmm... I think there is a Miss Feathers around somewhere who might be a great sidekick for a pirate like you!

    1. Aye, but avast! I think she's already part of another crew....
