Monday, January 9, 2017

What I did on my winter vacation

 Hey, what's up, dogs?  Today I'm here to tell you (and show you!) what I did over winter vacation.  I already hinted in my last post that I headed somewhere warm and tropical.  In order to do that, my human and I had to hop on a plane.  So we woke up super-early, drove ourselves and our luggage to the airport, and braved looooooooong security lines until we finally boarded our flight

Let's 23C....23C.  Ahh.  Here it...


What the...Ajdin!  Are you coming with?  Why am I always the last to know about these things?  Sigh.  Silly human...keeping your dog in the dark.  

Anyway, good to see you (yawn), Ajdin.  It's going to be a (yaaaaawn!) fantastic vacation.  Yeah, we got up really early this morning...what?  No, no, I don't...need a nap.  This is...really exciting and I...want to talk...



Ahem.  Sorry about that.  The next thing I knew, we were here:  

It's the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas!  Here's the view from our hotel room balcony:

This place is HUGE!  It's like a city unto itself.  Even I, an experienced survivalist, will need a map to get around.

Hmmm...What shall I see and do first?


  1. Replies
    1. I agree. I will need to brush up on my doggie paddle.

      Since Blogger changed their format, I've been forgetting to check for comments "Awaiting Moderation"! Sorry for the delay in response.

  2. A vacation? With Ajdin?? You lucky pooch!

    1. I don't know why my human neglected to tell me about our traveling companion!
