Saturday, November 23, 2019

More of Iceland...

Hey, what's up, dogs?  I am BACK with more about my trip to Iceland!  Today's attraction is the Geysir Center.  You can see how the ground is steaming because of all the superheated water beneath the earth.!  Wish my human had packed me some boots...

The geyser behind me is named Strokkur, and it erupts roughly every 10 minutes or so.  Which means it should be going off right

Um...I mean now?
Aha!  There it goes. Timing is everything! as that water was, it's pretty chilly in Iceland today, so my human and I ducked into the gift shop to warm up.  Here are some hats and mittens bearing the national flag and colors of Iceland.

Here are some very warm (but scratchy!) blankets made from Icelandic wool.

And of course, any self-respecting gift store must carry a selection of stuffies!  We're in Iceland, so the stuffie of choice is the puffin. 

Well, I've got to sign off for today...but there will be at least one more post dedicated to Iceland, so stay tuned.  

Hope everyone in the U.S. has a wonderful Thanksgiving week!  What are you most thankful for this year?...


  1. Puffin? I bet a puffin would love hanging out with your crew...

  2. No Puffin stowed away in your hand baggage? Good thing you are a well-behaved dog - I've read about excited dogs jumping into the hot springs at Yellowstone... it did not end well.

    1. I guess you could say I had no desire to become a "hot dog." Heh heh...
