Monday, May 23, 2016


Hey, what's up dogs!  It's one of those cozy, lazy afternoons, and...Mmmm.  Do I smell...popcorn?

"Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?"  Spunky asked.  

Yeah!  That sounds like a great idea.  Which one were you thinking of, Spunk?

"Well ...this one's always been one of my favorites," Spunky said. 

Patch's eyes bugged out.   

"Oh, no," he whimpered.  "Way too scary.  Too many monsters and guns and explosions.  I'll have nightmares."

"Okay, okay," Spunky said.  "Not that one."  He rummaged around in our human's video collection.  "How about this one instead?"

"That's a good one, lads," Grandma began.  "A swashbuckling adventure, for certain."

"Unh-unh," Patch shook his head.  "Way too scary.  Too many swordfights and guns and explosions.  I'll have nightmares."

Spunky stared hard at Patch, sighed, and rummaged through the collection once more.

You don't do well with scary movies, huh, Patch?

"No," Patch said apologetically.  "I guess I'm kind of a fraidy-dog."

Don't say that.  We just have to find something that we can all watch together. comes Spunky.

"All right," Spunky said.  "This is the most non-threatening movie I could find in the video stash.  What do you think, Patch?"

"Err..." Patch hesitated.  "I--I guess that'll work.  I'll just cover my eyes when the arrows are about to hit."

Wow.  Choosing a movie we could all watch was more difficult than I thought it would be.  I had no idea Patch was so...easily affected by these things.  But anyway...let's dish up that popcorn and dim the lights, everybody! 

See you next time!


  1. Who knew choosing a movie would be so hard? How about "It's a mystery Charlie Brown"? Does your human have that one?
    THe popcorn looks great, maybe after the movie you can all find a Kettle Corn stand and see if there is any bacon flavored kettle corn?

    1. No Charlie Brown movies in the inventory, unfortunately. I like your idea about bacon-flavored popcorn...maybe next time I'll mix some bacon bits into the bowl...

  2. It's tough to find a movie everyone likes. On another note, I am glad that when you were dog-napped a few weeks ago Patch wasn't scared about meeting the masked animal at the pier or if he was scared he sure hid it well.

  3. Hey, is that the Robin Hood with a Fox as Robin Hood? We have that one at home too (it's on VHS).

    1. That's right. It's one of our human's favorite Disney movies (and ours as well!).

  4. are you sure you want to dim the lights? that might be, y'know, scary for Patch.

  5. I don't suppose Patches will be the sidekick of the Bark Knight any time soon.
