Monday, July 27, 2015

Therapy session #5--Advantages of Spunky's size

Guten Tag, everyone.  Vellcome back to another therapy session.  As alvays, I am Professor Dogmund Freud, Dogtor of Psychology und therapist und friend to troubled dogs everyvair.  

Vell, Spunky, last time you had some trouble comingk up with good thingks about being your size.  Do you remember?

"Yes I do, Doc."

Und then vee sent out an appeal for help to our blog audience.  Vee had a very robust response...many goot suggestions.  Vhy don't vee go over them together?

"Sure, that sounds good.  I'm curious to hear what they came up with."

Very vell.  First, vee had zee followingk comment:  

When the dog treat jar is quite deep, I would think Spunky could crawl right down into it and get at the dog treats, whereas bigger dogs would be unable to do that.

"Oh, wow," Spunky said.  "That's a really good point.  I didn't think of that." 

Jawohl.  Zat could actually be lifesavingk, in a starvation situation.  Here's another vun:

Smaller dogs also fit better into human bags, thus making it more likely that they will have grand adventures outside.
"I guess I am travel-size," Spunky admitted.

Und here iz vun final comment: 
If you lose something under the couch, Spunky can fit under there and retrieve it.  

"Like what?" Spunky asked.

Vell...thumbtacks, for example.  Pens und pencils.  Rings und uzzer small joovelry items.  Und, last but not least, spare change.

 "Oooo....I think I like that one the best!" Spunky exclaimed.  "You're right...maybe being small does have its advantages."

Jawohl.  It iz zimply a matter of perspectif.  Vell, that is all zee time vee haf for now.  Keep lookingk for vays your size verks to your advantage, ja?  Until next time, zen...


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Funny movie preview

Hey dogs, what's up?  Something funny to share with you: 

Watch this movie clip.  I think the scene that starts at 1:45 should be nominated for Most Creative Use of an Electric Mixer in a Movie...what do you think?

Monday, July 20, 2015

The guest arrives!


"Hey, was that the doorbell?" Spunky asked.

It was indeed.  I'll get it...

Oo, oo!  It just occurred to me that this might be the visitor I was telling you about a few weeks ago 

I hurried downstairs to the foyer and peeked through the window to check who was standing on the front doorstep...   

Yes!  It's him!

I opened the door and saw...

"Droopy, me lad!" the stranger exclaimed.  "You're looking very well."

Grandpa!  You made it!  So cool to see you.  

"And you, laddie!  Eh, what a fetching hat you're wearing."
Thanks!  Come in, come in.  Hey, Patch, Spunky!  Come over here.  There's somebody I want you to meet.

Grandpa, these are my friends, Patch and Spunky.  Guys, I'd like you to meet my Grandpa Angus.

"Angus Dougal McStuffie," Grandpa added.  "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Nice to meet you!" Spunky said. 
"Did you just fly in today, sir?" Patch asked politely.

"Eh, yes I did, laddie.  And boy, are my arms tired!"

Hahahahahahaha!!  Grandpa, you crack me up!  Hahahahahaha!!

 Spunky turned to Patch and said, "I think I understand now where Droopy gets his sense of humor."

"You and me both," Patch replied.

It's so cool to have Grandpa around for a visit.  I wonder how long he plans to stay?

Have you seen your relatives lately?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Dog park

Hey, what's up, dogs?  My human is a homebody by nature, but this week I persuaded her to take me out.   

Ah, here we are.  This is the only public place in our county where a dog can run about without a leash.  Strict, huh?

Do you see the dog racing around in the grassy enclosure on the other side of the fence?  He looks like he's having fun.  Hurry up and let me in there! 

But first, my worrywart human paused to look at the rules.  Are we violating any statutes?  I hope not.

Finally she opened the gate and let me in. Yes!'s a good day to be in the park.  It's warm, but not too hot, and there's a nice breeze.  Smell that grass!  Feel that earth! 

And look...we made a new friend!   
My new friend's human looked at me a little funny.  It must be because I'm wearing a hat.  

After I'd run around to my heart's content, it was time to head home.  But before I made it all the way inside, my human once again displayed her worrywart tendencies by reminding me to check myself for ticks...

 ...and to wash my dirty paws.

A fun day!  I'll have to convince her to take me on more trips in the future...

 Where's your favorite park?

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Therapy session #4--Spunky's diagnosis

Guten Tag vonce again, my friends.  It is I, Professor Dogmund Freud, Dogtor of Psychology und therapist und friend to troubled dogs everyvair. 

I must I am a bit discouraged.  If you remember, venn I last appeared on zis blog, I reported zat my famous client had made progress battling his addiction to a certain type of dog snack.

Unfortunately, he appears to have had a relapse und has not been able to repeat his success since zen.  Sigh.  A terrible thingk, ja?...I guess vee vill just have to keep verking...

But I digress.  I zank you for joiningk us.  Today is a very important day for our client, Mr. Spunky Bones Dog.  Because today, after sefferal months of verking vith him, I vill reveal vat I belief to be his diagnozis. 

Again, as you may recall, he has graciously agreed to allow recordingk of his zessions.  Hello again, Spunky.

"Hi, Doc.  So...did you figure out why I'm having my weird dream?"

Ja, I belief so.  I zuspect you may haf a variant of Small Dog Syndrome.

"Really?" Spunky gasped.  "But I don't act like a diva.  --Do I?"

Nein, nein.  As I said, zis is a variant of the disorder.  You are right--ordinarily, Small Dog Syndrome occurs when humans use too little dizipline with zair small dogs.

However, I do not think zat iz your problem.  Your issue iz zee fact that you conzentrate too much on zee limitations of your size, und not enough on the advantages.  

"Really?  I don't think so..."

Vell, let's examine zat for just a moment.  Vill you try zumthingk for me?  Tell me vat you dislike about being your size.

"That's easy.  I can't reach the dog biscuits on the highest shelf.  I'm not strong enough to open most doors by myself.  It's hard to find clothes that fit.  And then it's easy for people to make fun of me..."

Mmm-hmm.  Now, let's svitch tactics.  Tell me some GOOD thingks about beingk your size. 

".....................................................................Um.  I can't think of anything, Doc."

Mmm.  I have some ideas on this topic, but perhaps vee should first appeal to our blog friends for help.  

How about it, meine Freunde?  Can you thingk of some advantages smaller dogs haf over larger dogs?... 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July to all our friends in the United States!  
Today, the dogs of the U.S. celebrate our country's independence and our individual freedoms.  

Freedom to run around in circles in the park!  

Freedom to eat as much bacon as we can hold!  

And freedom to drink out of the toilet if we desire! 

(Um.  Not that the three of us would ever do that last one, of course.)

Tonight we plan to eat lots of barbecue and then watch some fireworks.  What are your plans for July 4th?...