Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sandy's postcard novel

Hey, what's up, dogs?  We got a whole STACK of postcards from Sandy in the mail recently...He explained that he's decluttering and trying to use up his stash.  Good idea!  He's given us quite a selection here...
He writes, "How are things going down in TX?  We have read that you guys are starting to reopen things."  --Yes, this is true.  We are slowly and cautiously starting to open up again, although most people are still social distancing and wearing masks in public.  

Sandy also mentions that "My humans have gone to a...gasp...plant-based diet!" and he wants to know if I have an opinion on that.  Well, I personally would not be able to follow a meatless meal plan, but everyone's gotta do what's best for them.  

Speaking of which...I hope the rumored shortages of meat remain just that--rumors!  Otherwise I will be one panicky pooch...

Anyway, thanks for the postcards Sandy!  Always good to get mail from my blog friends, especially when we're shut inside...


  1. Whew.....I was worried about that meat shortage. I assume you have a secret supply of bacon somewhere in the house???????

  2. Replies
    1. Guess the Canadian Goose mail service is still on the job. Thanks for the mail!
