Monday, January 29, 2018

Wonder if they sell Bratwurst in Bratislava?....

Hey, what's up, dogs?  Another stop on the European tour.  This time we're in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.  It's a beautiful, quaint city with a lovely town square.
See this guy, peeking out of the manhole?  Rubbing his head is supposed to give you good luck.   

Here's another one, doffing his top hat to the tourists.  There are statues like this scattered throughout the city.
And apparently, Slovakian chocolate is among the best in the world.  It's won international awards!  

I'm sure my blog friends (especially Jerry) would be excited about this.  Sigh...Why must chocolate be toxic to dogs?....


  1. Those pots would make great honey jars!

    The silver statue looks so real.. like a street performer. Are you sure it wasn't a live performer? Could have fooled me.

    1. Actually, we did see some street performers pretending to be statues! My secretary didn't get a picture of them though. Silly human.

  2. So, did you get any brats in Bratislava?

  3. Wow! You sure are getting around on the Europe tour. Did you notice any tourists tripping over the manhole guy? Seems like that might be a problem. Mmmm... chocolate...

  4. Wonderful photos!! The chocolate looks amazing!

    1. I figured you guys (especially Jerry) would appreciate the chocolate.
