Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Dog days" postcard

Hey, what's up, dogs?  We hereby interrupt this world crisis to bring you..
...a postcard of Vancouver from Sandy!  He writes:  "It's hard work, supervising the humans, and every bear needs a break during the dog days of summer.  Why are they called 'dog days'?" 

Why, indeed?  I was curious as well, so I looked it up online:

"The term indicates a period between July 3 and August 11 when the Dog Star, Sirius, rises at the same time or near the same time as the sun in the Northern hemisphere." 

Wow, that's cool!  I learned something new today.  Thanks, Sandy, for the postcard and the learning opportunity!


  1. That's cool Droopy. I learned something new too. Now, are there Dog Day's of winter in the southern hemisphere?

    1. That's a good question LF! I always thought "dog days" had something to do with how dogs behave during the very hottest days of summer...but I guess not :)

  2. Thanks you taught me something today too.

    1. Yeah, it was interesting! Thanks Birthday Bear.

  3. Cool... here's another one... Why is it called a "dog's breakfast"???
