Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A dried-up beach, part 1

Hey, what's up, dogs?  Today my human and I have picked up some food, and we're headed to...(drumroll please)... 

...the local reservoir, where's there's a park with lots of greenery and nice, peaceful benches.
There's also a man-made beach along the banks of the reservoir.  Unfortunately, due to recent lack of rain, the beach is closed to swimmers.
But that's okay, we can still relax and have our lunch.  Ah, this looks like a good spot.

We have a nice view from here, too.

Mmmm.  Yum.  That was a really good sandwich.  I think I'll work off the calories by taking a little walk along the beach. 

Hey...what's this?  They look like tracks of some sort.
And they go on and on and on...
Now I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure those are NOT dog tracks.  Hold on a second.  


Yeah.  See, here's my track: 

Pretty sure those first tracks were from deer.  Perhaps my blog friends can confirm.  I wonder what else we can find on this dried-up beach?...



  1. A picnic at the beach, how fun! Did you see any bear tracks on that beach?

  2. Replies
    1. It's a Panera Steak and Arugula sandwich. My human's favorite. Mine too!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. (I let my human have the arugula)

  3. We're they fox tracks? That sandwich looks really good. I must be hungry.

  4. That sandwich does look scrumptious. Nice outing!
